We ask that you allow 3-5 Business Days (excluding Holidays) after your order has been confirmed to be shipped. In most cases, we ship the same day.
We can ship to virtually any address in the USA. It must be verified with the USPS. Shipping typically takes 5 days or less after processing. We ship items Monday thru Friday. If you order after 12pm CST, your item may be processed the next business day.
If you have questions about your tracking number, we are happy to help! Email [email protected]
Please contact us if you need expedited/overnight shipping and it can be arranged for a nominal fee.
Some merchandise may ship later depending on product availability from vendors and back order delays.
International shipping requires 10-15 days for delivery.
Shipping to CANADA is $20. Orders over $200 ship for free with code. You must enter the code before checkout.
Shipping to New Zealand/Australia, The UK and France is $30. No free shipping codes may be used on orders shipped to International destinations. If one is used, we will contact you for payment before the order ships. Items in your order that are designated for shipment to countries outside the U.S. may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country ("Import Fees"). The recipient of the shipment is the importer of record in the destination country and is responsible for all Import Fees.
All orders over $75 will receive free shipping unless shipped outside of the U.S.
PLEASE NOTE: Each order is individually inspected by the Elan Fulfillment Team before shipping.
Also, product color and quality as seen on monitor may vary slightly compared to actual items, due to photography lighting conditions and individual screen color calibration.
We reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason. If cancelled, your payment will not be processed. We are not responsible for items lost in transit or if you do not specify that you want to add insurance or signature confirmation. If you would like to add signature confirmation or insurance, you may email us. Pricing errors may not be honored. If your package is marked delivered by USPS and you do not receive the package, you will need to contact the local post office who has marked it delivered. We will not refund orders or issue a store credit for orders that are marked delivered.
We appreciate your support and hope you have an enjoyable shopping experience with us!
Happy Shopping!
Sincerely Elan Boutique Management, LLC